Oh, Susannah Blog
6 Sentimental Gifts for Kids That Create Lasting Memories
One Brilliant Way to Keep Kids Entertained AND Motivated while Quarantined Inside
As you become your child's primary teacher you're left with a unique predicament: How to teach your child basic educational skills and encourage them to be a decent human being while not driving yourself crazy. Being around your kids 24/7 and being responsible for every aspect of their being is difficult. It's ok to admit. When you start reaching your limit and still have little people clinging to you it's time to pull out the big guns: An activity that will not only keep your kids occupied but will also motivate them to stay positive. Because if any activity doesn't serve two purposes we...
5 Thoughtful Care Package Ideas to Cheer Up your Extroverted Friends
Quarantined with your Significant Other? Here are 10 Relationship Rules to Live Peacefully During Coronavirus Quarantine
Divorce rates are soaring in China as couples go weeks being stuck in the same house. Honestly, it's no surprise. Enduring the stress and fear of a global pandemic with no end in sight is hard enough on a person without adding being quarantined to one place with other people to the mix! Suddenly you have to manage your own emotions and someone else's all while trying to physically survive with two boxes of pasta and some old cans of beans. And if you're at the end of your toilet paper hoard? Phew... have you got a tense situation on...
5 Things To Help Your New Quarantined Long Distance Relationship
As if being afraid of contracting the newest deadly virus and being quarantined at home weren’t enough, there’s something else to worry about with Coronavirus/ COVID 19: being away from your loved ones indefinitely. Whether you were already in a long distance relationship, separated as one partner traveled alone, or missing family members far away, the Coronavirus is keeping loved ones apart all over the globe. For those currently separated from a loved one, not knowing when you’ll see each other again is making a difficult situation downright unbearable. “For me personally, I had several trips to see my boyfriend...